My feeling is that its difficult to really know yourself and bring about sustainable change if you are not prepared on some level to take the inner journey.
There are many ways to do this and each of us must find the way that suits us best. Meditation is one very powerful way. I continue to learn and to practice.
This is how it helped me and may help you
To reconnect with the peace that is always there inside of me.
To consciously relax in stressful situations (even once at the bottom of the sea when I was diving and my air was running out!).
- To bring focus and clarity to the mind so that when I don’t know what to do I can still myself until I receive some insight or direction. It has taught me the value of patience.
The ability to sit with really uncomfortable feelings: anger, sadness, fear, resentment. To watch them and learn from them rather than react and cause damage to others (an ongoing practice of course).
- To build a more meaningful and committed relationship with myself. Thus improving my relationships with others. I am able to hear and feel when I’m hurting myself and then consciously change the harsh voice to one of encouragement and acceptance. In turn I feel I am more mindful of hurting others.
To make my heart bigger. To continue to have faith in others even when they let me down because I have practiced faith and love towards myself.
- To deal with physical pain. By meditating and consciously not resisting pain I’ve been able to pass through some really intense experiences. I’ve also facilitated and witnessed this in others.
To forge a relationship with the divine which has framed my life with meaning and purpose and continues to inspire me. Having said this, I do not believe this has to be an ingredient of meditation. It can work whether you believe in something or not. I have no agenda in this arena.
Meditation was once described to me as THINKING HEALING THOUGHTS
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Simple Truths
[ Guided Meditations ]
I’ve always loved the idea of simply telling the truth. Of course as I have become older this approach has been tempered with considerations like kindness, right timing and the way the truth is delivered. I am still, however a great believer in the simple truth and have a faith that no matter what, it will shine through in the end.
With this in mind I felt inspired to create a range of resources to reflect this approach to life. Keeping it simple and true. I hope they inspire you. The first resource in this series was prompted by some huge changes and challenges in my life that required me to process and let go of the past. Resentment, anger, sadness and grief, unless embraced and gently let go of, can rob us of energy vitality and the sheer joy of living.
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[ surrounds you CD / Also available as MP3 ]

Accepting my body

Affirmations and Permissions

Slowing down

Working as a team

All is well

Decision making

Relax let go and flow

You are never alone