Oak Trees don’t grow in 7 days . The beauty of slow growth.

I’ve been working on myself for more years than I care to admit and as I walk the path i’m more and more aware of what I don’t know.  Yet I’m heartened by the seedling of strong commitment that is  finally standing up and that will continue to grow even as the storms of life batter it sideways. Grow it will, thrive it will. Because its foundations are finally solid.

Since my teens I’ve been fascinated the weirdness of human beings including that of myself. Someone once told me that a very high percentage of people are going around pretending. Pretending to be confident, pretending to be smart,pretending to be in a happy life with a happy marriage pretending they are having lots of sex , pretending to love everything about being a parent etc etc etc

I was skeptical at first, but after walking my own path of truth for  many years and then walking it with others i’m beginning to see how true this is . Most of us are pretending and many of us are waiting in terror of being found out.

As I learn about the depth of healing and freedom that comes when we stop pretending I am also beginning to realize the courage it takes to exit that particular stage.

For those who have been silenced to start speaking up, it is like jumping out of a plane with no parachute.

For those who have been shamed due to a physical challenge or because they don’t look like everyone else… to walk out of the door to drink coffee with someone watching is like swimming the Atlantic.

For those who have been terrorised as children….to sit quietly in the now and breathe into their feelings is like entering a very hungry Lion’s cage with no clothes on.

For those whose boundaries have been smashed to say NO is like leaping through fire covered in petrol.

For those who are at the bottom of the well of despair to commit to going on living is like believing Father Christmas is actually real…… I could go on….but you get the point.


To facilitate, and nurture this kind of courage, this leap from the cliff  takes time , patience , nurture, love and faith because those people need time to work out for themselves how to do it…in what way they will do it  and in what time scale. Anything else is force and force does not work.

Someone did this for me. I was not rushed, I was heard , I was held and I was respected. It took TIME to build trust. To Know I could rest back into someone solid, who wasn’t going anywhere. Wow , what gift that was, ….. is ..because they are still there as I climb higher, as I strip more illusions away, as I take more risks and realise deeply…. more about  really living this stuff.

So it saddens me deeply when On Facebook I hear someone say …..people don’t have time to spend years in therapy…nor do they want to…nor do they need to..you can sort this stuff in seven days ….so join my course/workshop/ buy my book my audio course…..my quick fix -online master class. Do it over the phone, let me heal you over the net.

It insults those walking through fire and those who accompany them. It insults the ripening process, the oak tree’s growth, the  truly great artist’s work.

Great beauty, great wisdom and great healing in my experience takes time. Yes we can have break-throughs that happen in the blink of an eye but they usually come after some stretch of time of sitting in the hell well…because we are READY to breakthrough. Part of us says ENOUGH.

The real issue is sustaining the breakthrough, long after the class is over and the course is finished. Then its down to you…your courage and faith …to keep on practicing.

So I honour that work over time. I honour those who do it and keep trying over sometimes decades. You are great..because you keep getting up. I also honour those who are strong enough and patient enough to walk alongside, those who encourage support and cheer on, those who listen , hold, and listen some more ..deeply with the whole self . If its takes years that’s ok….no OAK grew in 7 days  and I for one aim to be an OAK.

But what do I know ?? xx in love Lucinda


  • Janet Posted 08/06/2019 5:10 am

    This is so profound, Thank you for sharing Lucinda. I have discovered this blog at a cross road in life and your words as with your music are like a balm to my soul. 🙏

    • Lucinda Drayton Posted 08/06/2019 8:27 pm

      Thankyou Janet, I’m so glad it has touched you. It’s nice to know we are all on the journey together x

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